36 Hot Meals to Feed the Hungry at Masbia and Receive an Autographed Cookbook "Lidia's Italy" By Lidia Matticchio Bastianich
Distributing 2 million meals a year to the needy is a huge undertaking. To make it happen, Masbia needs many partners. In order to help Lidia Matticchio Bastianich donated her autographed cookbooks for us to give as gifts to our well-deserving donors. Lidia is an Emmy award-winning television host, best-selling cookbook author, and restaurateur.
In return for your donation of $360, you will receive this copy of Lidia's Italy: 140 Simple and Delicious Recipes from the 10 Places in Italy Lidia Loves Most by Lidia Matticchio Bastianich. Your donation of $360 will help Masbia feed hungry men, women and children. By adding this book to your cart, Masbia will send you this book as a thank you gift for your donation. You can also choose to give this book to a friend and we will include an acknowledgment that this special book is given as a gift for a large donation. Supply is limited and we do not know when we will get more. Donations with a gift are tax deductible but you need to subtract the cost of the gift. If you wish to make a donation without receiving a gift or give a different donation amount, click here
Publisher: Knopf; First Edition edition (April 10, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1400040361
ISBN-13: 978-1400040360
Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 1.2 x 9.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds
In this exciting new book the incomparable Lidia takes us on a gastronomic journey—from Piemonte to Puglia—exploring ten different regions that have informed her cooking and helped to make her the fabulous cook that she is today. In addition, her daughter Tanya, an art historian, guides us to some of the nearby cultural treasures that enrich the pursuit of good food.